replace front door, replace windows kenosha, front door replacement kenosha

Should I Replace My Drafty Front Door Before Winter?

Are you thinking you should replace your front door and windows in your home? There’s no better time! With a Midwest winter heading our way, the best time to take care of that drafty front door is now. Replacing your old front door that may need repairs will not only update the look of your home, but it can also cut down on energy waste, provide you extra safety and security, and save you money.

Cut Down on Energy Waste

Did you know you can lose up to 40% of your home’s heat through drafty front doors and windows? That means you’re raising the thermostat in the middle of winter, which could increase your energy bill by 25%!! If you’ve felt the draft coming and have shoved towels in front of your door, it’s probably time to replace your front door.  When you’re looking at a new front door, compare the energy performance ratings of each one, as well as foam insulation cores, weather stripping, R-values, and glass featuring low-emissivity coatings. These energy-efficient properties of your new door will help lower the cost of your energy bill. With a well-installed front door, you’ll notice the effects immediately come winter. You won’t be stuffing towels in front of your door every time you walk by!

Provide Extra Safety and Security

You may think your lock system and deadbolt on your front door are good enough to deter criminal. But if you have a cheap and flimsy door with an equally cheap and flimsy frame, an eager burglar could still find a way to bust in. When you’re considering a new front door, be sure to find one with the best security features. That means a front door should have solid core, like steel, metal, fiberglass, or solid wood, that reduces the chances someone can kick it in. Reinforce your new front door with a quality deadbolt lock and solid metal strike plate. Be sure to place cylinder guards around the locks so no one can pry or wrench their way in. If you’re replacing your front door, you may want to consider replacing your back door as well as those are even bigger targets for thieves. Saving money on an energy bill is great, but there is no price tag on the peace of mind safety features can bring.

Replace your Front Door to Save you Money

Just because it’s not quite winter, does not mean that you can’t start enjoying the benefits of energy efficiency now! But your energy bill may not be the only way you can save money. Did you know that energy-efficient home improvements may also warrant you a tax credit? You can claim a tax credit for 10% of the cost of qualified energy efficiency improvement, up to $500. If you are seeking a tax credit, make sure the door you choose is a qualifying product. The manufacturer’s website should indicate whether or not a product qualifies for tax credits. Keep this written certification with your tax records if you choose to claim the tax credit. As we already mentioned, doing energy-efficient upgrades has more benefits than a possible 10 percent tax credit, but who wouldn’t take a 10% credit?


There are many benefits to replacing drafty old front doors and now is the perfect time to do it! Contact Clearview Windows and Doors for a professional team to replace your front door!

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